Confessional, 2018

wood, metal, textile, 180 x 92 x 248 cm

production: MSUV, Novi Sad and MMSU, Rijeka

curator: Sanja Kojić Mladenov

THE CONFESSIONAL was created in the frame of the international exhibition My Art is my Reality in Rijeka, Croatia. It is based on the conversation with Mr. Hermann Glettler, Austrian contemporary artist and the Bishop of Innsbruck, who once told me I should use the collected material to build a confessional that would be used for some time in the Graz cathedral. The choice of materials for this work sheds a bright light on the marginalized social groups (the Roma and other minorities, as well as refugees whose number in Europe is constantly growing) and their degraded position in the society. The confessional, placed in the public space of the church, serves as a reminder of what is almost forgotten today: we are all equal in the eyes of God.